“I traveled thousands of miles during my 10 weeks in South America, even venturing to the “end of the world” at one point. I challenged speed limits through heavy late night rain, caught unavailable flights, worked with some of the best athletes in the world, lived like a king in 5 star hotels, was more homeless then I have ever experienced, got paid to take heli runs, traded my snowboard because I couldn’t afford the hostel bill, gave up my jacket for a taxi ride to the airport, made lifelong friends, ate the most gourmet food I’ve ever seen, puked my brains out, and most importantly learned just a little bit more about life and myself.

This adventure may be too big for me to properly share with you but I hope this slideshow will inspire you to get out there and do whatever it is you are waiting to do.

This trip was just the beginning of an eye opening adventure that is the rest of my life to come. I am a photographer but even more so an adventurer. I have built a strong foundation with photography that has led me to meet amazing individuals I wouldn’t have otherwise. I am committing myself to see the world no matter the cost, and greatly anticipate the experiences and relationships ahead.

If you wait, it might be too late…”

– Jordan Ingmire