There have been countless inspirational quotes written about being yourself. You can probably buy a calendar that has one for each day of the year, and somewhere on the internet there must be a limitless bank of them for people to post to Instagram. #blessed

Those quotes make a valid point though — trying to be anything other than yourself is exhausting. Alex Yoder understands that notion and has applied it to his life inside and outside of snowboarding. The twenty six year old is living and riding the way he wants to and it seems to be working out quite well for him.

See also: Reborn through creativity: An Alex Yoder interview

From Terasu via Vimeo:

“It’s a special feeling when you remember to stop thinking in the mountains and just let gravity tell you what to do.” -Alex Yoder
Yoder shifted his career over the past few seasons, and more recently became the only American to join the Gentem Stick team. He now spends much of the winter in Japan, digging deep into the perspective of the snow surf scene. Simultaneously, his style and approach to riding, and even living, have developed significantly. From exploring different ways of eating and cooking, to looking towards alternative medicine to stay healthy while chasing winter, Yoder has developed a more conscious approach to life.