Featuring a long list of riders, check out the highlights from last year through the lens of Adam Ruzzamenti.

Lucas Magoon (@lucasillwoodmagoon), Skyler Gallardo (@skylergallardo), Justus Hines (@internet.stuss), Michael Cook (@cook2327), Riley Johnson (@mids4thekids), Tyler Aubrey (@tyleraubrey), Haruna Ishihara (@suica__616), Keoni Kaimuloa (@dad__cam), Mike Gray (@mikeegray), Anthony Slater (@actiontwanson), Blake Lamb (@blxmb), Johnny Miller (@satansdeathkult), Kai Ujejski (@m3th), Jack Harris (@captainjack187), Jordan Karasch (@jordan_karasch), Toshiki Nishimura (@toshiki_2833), Ethan Koopmann (@wholegrainmane), Julius Starr (@jstarr666), Pavel Anishchanka (@flam.g), Michael McDaniel (@_tropic_thunder), Myrie Metzger (@myriemetzger), Jack Wiley (@smileywiley4), Brian Pracht (@boner_wars), Ryan Pluche (@not.the.cops), Drayden Gardner (@ill_usive), Tommer Wallace (@tommerwallace), Cody Hallquist (@cody_45_44), Dylan Burnley (@dylan_burnley), and Kody Yarosloski (@kody69).