We’d say keep an eye on Iris, but you know… that seems like too easy of a pun. Plus, she doesn’t need anyone looking out for her clips, the whole industry has already been waiting for what Iris has up her sleeves. After a year of learning alongside a few different crews and working shifts at Pita Pit, Iris has been showing up in a handful of projects (as well as a full part in Wild Game) and now has dropped her own edit for us to enjoy. Hailing from Bozeman, Montana, Iris went from the Northwest to the Midwest and everywhere in between. We tagged along for a few weeks in Wisconsin and didn’t really see her fall once besides while riding a small scooter around refrigerators in Best Buy on the way to a spot. Some street, some skate, a few river wave clips and even a couple drops at Baldface… all with style. She has a big career in front of her. Sit back and enjoy the first of what we believe will be many parts to come from one of the most promising names in the game.

From Iris:
This is my first street snowboarding video. I went on a 2 week trip to Minnesota with Entourage, a crew made up of skier boys from Montana. I’d grown up following most of them around at Bridger Bowl and Big Sky. We hit spots in Minneapolis and Duluth. We were all kind of learning together, they had done this more than me so of course I’m learning the most but it wasn’t always easy. People don’t always agree, there’s 8 boys who all want clips, things don’t always go as planned. We managed to film all the street clips that were in their video on this one trip. The boys always point out spots that I could hit since I snowboard, it’s funny. Ultimately I am so grateful for them, always believing in me and pushing me to be my best. They make sure I am comfortable and having fun and we have created some really amazing friendships that I will never forget.

A few weeks later I flew into Wisconsin and filmed with Sam Klein, Emily Oconnor, and Conor Carol. We stayed at Sam’s family’s house and had a charcuterie board pretty much every night. They have a sauna in the backyard and a horse trough filled with ice water and the top layer would freeze so Sam would wack it with an axe. That’s what kept me going on this trip, so revitalizing. I learned a lot from filming with snowboarders. Mark Clavin came out to get some photos, day one of him being there every single one of us got a clip and we were done at like 5pm, such a good day!!! I’m really grateful to have been invited to snowboard with this crew, they taught me a lot and treat me like family, it feels good.
I want to say thank you to Collin Kidd and Family for housing us in Minnesota, the Klein Family for housing me in Wisconsin and making sure we were eating the best I ever have. Thank you to the Faure Family for always caring for me. Thank you to my family, my mom for always cheering me on and reminding me that having fun is the most important part of this. My little brother for pushing me to be better and reminding me to not worry. And my Dad, for getting me on a snowboard and helping me learn everything I know now. I’d never be here if it weren’t for everyone believing so much in me, so thank you, this is just a start