Looks like Ride Snowboards is owning the airwaves for the month of August in snowboarding. After dropping Jed’s timeline earlier in the month, they have another heater with 20 minutes of Jill Perkins footage for us to enjoy in the dog days of summer. Is it the dog days? Maybe that was a few weeks ago. Either way, this will surely make you miss piling in the van with your friends and lapping your local. Enjoy.
Another year and another impactful part from Jill, Earning herself “Video Part of the Year” from Torment Magazine and “Footage of the Year” from Slush Magazine. Take a look at her process while filming for our latest full length project RATED R.
Editor’s Note: We didn’t give her any awards for this part because we don’t do awards. IT’S NOT A CONTEST MAN! Oh, and our very own T. Bird shot the thumbnail image. Boom baby, we are relevant!