So, I shot a few park edits over the past few seasons, but never had time to edit them due to work schedule and such….I decided to dig up the footage and work backwards, I’ll start with the new and work towards the old. Here is the first LOST LAPS: Kevin Hanson at Summit at Snoqualmie, WA. This is from a little over a month ago, when I wanted to test out my newly hacked GH2…ENJOY!
Kevin Hanson
Jim Langer
“The Sun”
Ghostface Killah feat. Reakwon and Slick Rick
Hidden Darts
Stevens Pass Snowboard Shop.
Dan Pool for killin’ it all day every day!
Joe Pope at Summit at Snoqualmie for hookin’ us with tickets!!
Vitaliy Kiselev for the hackin’ the GH2 and Nick Driftwood for the settings settings!!!
Shot with the Hacked GH2 with the 8mm fisheye and the 20mm pancake. I used Vitaliy Kiselev hack with the Driftwood settings (same as Philip Bloom in the Christmas Shootout). Shot in 1080i60 with HIGH shutter, 1/4000 (I wanted to really test out this hack with a real high shutter speed to see what happened). This has no color correction and or grading.