Earlier this month, Frederik Kalbermatten released a three-part epic of sorts, Spacé. We’re late on posting but this is a good reminder to watch this is you haven’t yet. The Swiss snowboarder’s take on where he snowboards is often (if not always, but that’s just our thoughts from watching) as considered as how he snowboards (check out his 2013 X Games Real Snow part for further evidence of this long-standing take on terrain). A photographer as well, thoughtful composition is thematic when he is both behind and in front of the camera. He’s long been known for ample style, this keen way of looking at terrain, and an ability to find landings where there often appear to be none.

Lucky for all of us, Fredi has just released Spacé, and his latest contribution is a transcendent mindboarding experience for the viewer. In the first part of Spacé, Fredi cruises through high forests of The Alps, kicking up the kind of snow we could all use a little more of right now (or anytime, really.) Enjoy.

The official word from Fredi and doodah:
Even though they are highest forests in the alps, the Larch forests form the lowest part of Frederik’s terrain. The old trees hold back the snow, reduce avalanche danger and offer contrast during snowfall. But this is not easy terrain, steep pillow lines and narrow gullies demand full concentration and pin-point landings.

Presented by doodah.

Camera: Jack Mullner, Jamie Mullner, Marinho Meyer, Aurel Anthamatten

Interpretation: Martin Luchsinger