Is this the first prequel in snowboarding history? Technically not a trailer, the Ride Euro crew dropped their B-side clips BEFORE the full movie coming out later this year. More crews should start doing this. We are starved all summer for new stuff, and people are sitting on plenty of clips that will never make it into the full project… so let’s get some editors paid a bit more and make a few b-side projects to drop alongside the Southern Hemi clips we have been watching this past month. Also, we have to give the Ride crew their flowers, with ‘Rated R’ dropping later this month in the states featuring the stacked U.S. team, naming the Euro movie extremely close is not only good marketing (according to our sales guy), it’s pretty funny. Hopefully next year they go Star Wars on us and give a prequel trilogy to enjoy. Featuring Dario Burch, Louis Labertrande, Jonathan Begley, Pierre Scafidi, Nicolas Palladio, Kristian Skjømming, Bastien Sturma, and Wouter Groot.
RADAR Trailer drops on September 26, 2023. Filmed by Guillaume Sturma and Lionel Simon. Edited by Guillaume Sturma with photos by Bastien Sturma. Directed by Brust Studio.
Editor’s Note:
After we published this, we looked up what prequel actually means and we aren’t sure if this qualifies… but at least it isn’t a trailer!