Snowboarding, like many of its fellow outdoor lifestyles, has the most extraordinary potential for adventure. Gigi Rüf and the Perceptions crew may have been in Greenland, but they definitely aren’t green when it comes to this kind of expedition. Prowling the peaks lining the Arctic circle, these guys were about as remote as it comes for a filming trip and yet Gigi brought his family along to show them what he does for a living. What transpired was probably among the craziest moments in snowboarding: Gigi laying down the law one of Greenland’s enormous icebergs.

Hop in the heli, you want to be along for this ride.

Watch more videos from Pirate Movie Productions’ Perceptions 

From Red Bull via YouTube:

Step inside Gigi Rüf’s world as he sets out to film his recent snowboard movie, Perceptions: an out of the box snowboard film by Pirate Movie Productions, coproduced by Red Bull Media House. Episode 7 sees the crew in Greenland for some backcountry shredding and a chance to session a massive iceberg.

Purchase Perceptions on iTunes here.