Vans Introspect is truly a refreshing look at a snowboarding web series. Quality breathes through this piece from the moment you initiate the play button, all the way from the production to the simple, yet extraordinary outlook that Wolfgang Nyvelt has toward not just snowboarding, but life.
It takes some wisdom to see snowboarding as a vessel that we can use to experience the great places of this world. As Wolle sees it, the board is the creative medium that we possess that bridges the natural forces of our environment to our creativity. And whether it’s on a snowboard or one of his Äsmo powsurfers, he is able to perform remarkable feats with the simplest of motions.
For Wolle, it’s about bringing it back to basics. The fundamentals of not only riding a snowboard, but understanding the evolution and history of the people that progressed the way that we are standing sideways. Powsurfing isn’t necessarily a new concept, but for years it has existed outside the spotlight of what can be considered mainstream snowboarding. Thanks to people like Wolle, like Grassroots Powsurfing, like Jones Snowboards, a movement has begun towards bindingless simplicity, and we cannot wait to see where it carries us.
Watch also: Vans Introspect – Pat Moore
From Vans via YouTube:
In this episode we head to Austria, home of Wolfgang Nyvelt. Wolfgang is progressing the sport of snowboarding one shape at a time. He doesn’t select one board to ride during the season, he believes in a quiver of boards to choose from. Wolfgang is a pioneer on the cutting edge of modern snowboard design. Watch as he takes us to the ASMO factory and gives us a fresh look into the future of what snowboarding can become.