Full transparency, we haven’t watched this one yet. It is only eight minutes though so by the time you are reading this, we definitely did… but upon posting, we are just trusting that everything from the Ride Euro crew is a solid watch. (Photos below by Bastein Sturma.)
*Editor’s note: We watched it and it was indeed, a solid watch.
From the Ride office:
Last year, we spent two weeks in Vilnius, Lithuania, with Dario Burch, Louis Labertrande, Veroniqi Hanssen, and Simon Pircher, just exploring the city and checking out some new spots. Honestly, we weren’t disappointed. Instead of telling you everything, just watch “Velnio Neštas” and catch the vibe for yourself—it’ll show you way more than words ever could.
Video by Brust Studio
Film & Edit by Guillaume Sturma
Additional Filming Bastien Sturma, Dario Burch, Louis Labertrande, Veroniqi Hanssen, Simon Pircher & Jake Simpson
Photography by Bastien Sturma