Ivika Jürgenson always delivers in the streets and with Vitamin, she and her partner and filmer, Tim Schiphorst, have made a masterpiece. In addition to Ivika’s undiluted and highly proper snowboarding, Vitamin is a visual exploration that looks at facing challenges off her board, as well, as she came back from a spate of injury that affected her composure and well-being on her board. It is not only a timeline of the finest snowboarding, it is Ivika’s most personal video to date. Enjoy.

Vitamin is directed by Tim Schiphorst and also features Kas Lemmens, Dominik Wagner, Sebi Springeth, Venla Mustonen, and Gian Sutter.

Stay tuned for issue 19.2, in which Ivika shares more about the project in an in-depth interview with Ally Watson.