Gigi Rüf. A god amongst mere mortals. Style master. King.

Ok, so I like to watch Gigi ride a snowboard. That first stalefish is as close to perfection as you can possibly get. Renditions of that tweaked style from over the years has filled my mind when it decides to wander, where I try to imagine twisting my own body in the same way.

It always seems like it would be so simple by how easy it is to visualize. In reality, any effort is futile. Gigi rides like Gigi and no one, especially someone as talent-challenged as myself, can match it.

But I can in dreams, and I’ll hold onto those for as long as I can.

Short and sweet, Gigi’s Japan footage from STRONGER, the Union Team Movie is a just a small taste of what the Austrian is capable of. Further viewing of Gigi in his full part from Perceptions is also highly recommended, but if you want more from STRONGER, check out Dustin Craven and Johnny O’Connor’s full parts and interviews.

Watch the full movie here:

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