Burton Boston Celtic Snowboard

Big week for collabs over at Burton, both coming in the form of limited edition run boards with fellow popular brands. While one is a bit more historic than the other (and the price tag difference to prove it) both have been making waves with plenty of shares and likes on social media this week. By the time we saw each post on social and ran over to the site to see if anything was left, the stock was gone! The 77-board run of Boston Celtics decks with actual pieces from the NBA Championship court and the 50-run Liquid Death casket drop sold out quick (but something tells us a few special giveaways might be on the horizon). Both are huge collabs with limited runs for the brand, selling for $1,300.77 and $285.00 respectively. And while the price might be steep on the Boston board, it is pretty understandable when you realize there is actually some of the NBA court in there. The cheaper board is being marketed as just a slab of wood that you shouldn’t really ride, but we think a couple of free ones will be falling off the truck for promos coming up this winter so keep a lookout if you are into the sarcophagus style. The Liquid Death board reminds us of the Corey Smith Springbreak Coffin that we featured in our print issue just a few seasons ago.

Donna Carpenter, the CEO of Burton, donated one of the Celtics collab boards, currently up for auction to the highest bidder online and the price has soared to over $10,000. The board for bidding is also signed by Paul Pierce, which devalues it if you ask any Cleveland fan but to each their own! The actual tech in the board is the same as the Process, a classic camber twin board ridden by Mark McMorris and plenty of other team riders. So if you are lucky enough to get your hands on one, it could rip in the park a few times before you hang it up on the wall for all your jealous friends to adore. Although the collaboration is all due to the fact that Jake and the family are huge Celtics fans, it would be a pretty crazy repeat project to collaborate with other teams in the league so more fans could have a chance to play on some NBA hardwood.

As far as the Liquid Death board, a solid marketing move but by the campaign and price point, it is not looking like the gimmick will parlay into your best powder day ever. It could be very fun to send a few friends down an icy East Coast run with zero sidecut, camber, or control… but other than that or a few days around Halloween, this board would definitely be just a fun one to have around. But as we have said above, who knows… we have seen a few ripping turns on coffin shapes before! With all the new gear drops happening every day, it is fun to see these ones break up the standard new line look. More collabs mean more of a chance for people to get excited about snowboarding that maybe weren’t interested before… so we say keep them coming!