B-Happy Films TVC team with Boreal's Jon Slaughter The results are in for the Boreal TVC and after a week of filming and another week or so of viewing on vimeo, the big prize of the evening goes to the fun loving shredders of B-Happy films. With their road trip video eidt from truckee to the hill, the guys had tons of support online and ended up winning multiple categories but only won the competition by a mere single point.They were super stoked and put a out a great flick and went home with the big prize of $2000. Other winners included a ski company for best production and the www.GBP-GBP.com Gremlinz crew took home $500 for the most viewed video edit and their own Niko Cioffi went home as the standout snowboarder. They all also took home HD kits from GoPro and will be receiving a private build and shoot from the Boreal Terrain Park crew. Here is a couple shots from the evening and a look at what Boreal has in their park right now. They built a sick double set with amazing landings and two more parks since the TVC. Come on out and ride! They just got over a foot of fresh snow and the HalfPipe will be done this week!
Eric Rosenwald Getting the shot, of me getting the shot. Eric is the Man that runs the park at Boreal. Hi Eric!
Tyler Lynch and Matt Douglass of the Gremlinz / Gbp crew $500 dollar come up
Chris from Park staff at Boreal on an amazing day. Come on out and shred the new Park!
The new sick Double set at Boreal. Winch Cat for the best and steepest landings yet at Boreal!
Taken from the grave yard and given new life, Lane Knaack made a bunch of these recycle boxes for even more jibs to play around on.
The dance Floor is set up with a gap or butter and ollie on and a gap off right now.. super fun.
The HalfPipe is almost done. check www.Borealterrainpark.com later this week!
Wallride setup on the big bank. They had tons of fun jibs set up, and more to come this week. I want to Thank everyone for coming out and being a part of the Boreal TVC this season. It was a huge step in great production and riding this season from last and I'm sure i speak for everyone , especially the winners, when I say it was a great contest and a ton of fun. We hope to have it going again next year with even more money on the line. Big thanks to Eric Rosenwald and Jon Slaughter for putting this together as well as the Boreal Terrain Park Crew for making sure the park was at its best for the film sessions. Thanks again and see you next season at the Boreal TVC!