Hailing from the tow rope mecca of Minneapolis, it’s no surprise that Rob Roethler has an affinity for steel. His deep bag of rail tricks, combined with a naturally easy style and a tenure in Salt Lake City has been turning more and more heads with each passing season. And rightfully so–Rob is steadily on the come up and just joined the Burton Snowboards team this past season. Whether Rob is logging time at Brighton, lapping at Woodward Park City, or checking off street spots in freezing cold cities as a member of The Dust Box, his riding is smooth, technical, and on point. As we head in to winter and he gets ready to jump back in the van to film, we checked in with this Minnesota-turned-Salt-Lake-local to get the five pieces of gear he swears by for the season. – Mary T. Walsh
p: Rob Roethler
Tuffy/Push Shovels – Not only do these bad boys make building spots a breeze, they make perfect recliners for the Tommy Towns in your squad. Absolute necessities in the streets.
p: Blotto
Verts Had my first experience with Verts last season and can’t wait for more. If you don’t have a splitboard but still want to trudge through waist deep powder to get some, you can’t live without these things. Hopefully I’ll be able to put them to good use this winter!
p: Roethler
Chains (left) – Chains is the OG Dustbox van. Nothing better than spending quality time with the gang on your way to a new city to do some boardin’. Definitely gets a little sketchy driving through massive snow storms with six-plus bodies though. 
p: Gabe L’Heureux
Burton Custom The Custom is probably the most versatile board I’ve ever ridden. From riding in deep powder to rail riding in the slush at Mt. Hood, the Custom can handle it all. 
Powerbeats Headphones – I’m one of those people that would be listening to music 24/7/365 if I could be. I absolutely need to have my headphones on me at all times, whether it’s while getting served while battling a spot or getting tired after four-plus hours of boarding, I can just throw in the headphones and get my mind right.