Words & Photos by Tomas Ruprecht
With the 9i9i cloud hung up just last week it came as no surprise that the East Coast was forecasting a storm of epic proportions. The media folk even went as far as naming it Nemo. Now I could be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure I have never heard a winter storm receive an official name. I mean other than calling it a nor’easter or the valentine’s day storm and other obvious monikers along those lines. So while the metropolises along the East Coast whipped their citizens into a panicked frenzy, we here in Vermont eagerly anticipated what we love, snow. No stockpiling of supplies, no running out to buy a generator, no bracing for impact… just a calming sense of let’s see how much snow we actually get and will I be able to shovel out the driveway in time to get to the mountain before it’s eviscerated. The only panic here is the scatter-brain thoughts of the various lines you might be able to ride if we truly get that much snow.
JG knows that putting in hard work is the only way to get the goods. Here he hikes for a fresh line through the trees.
Looking for the perfect line, JG plans out his attack on the trees.
While the coastal, more southernly regions of New England did in fact get hammered by crippling amounts of snow, up here in Vermont it was business as usual. A mellow storm by all accounts is what we received. And while the mountains did get a pretty decent stacking of snow, it wasn’t that “once in a lifetime” go out and ride any line you want type of storm. But if you know where to look and are willing to hike around and explore, the goods are always there for the taking.
The snow is piling up in Vermont. The stake doesn’t lie.
Some societies have a myriad of words for snow due to its importance in their culture and we could take a page from their book. Name or no name, a good stacking of snow and the storm that brings it deserves some reverence. Whether the next storm that hits gets an official name or not, it’s on you to make the most of it and be fortunate with what you have, snow.
JG dropping in for some freshies.