Photobucket Danny Kass and gf Andrea Holt are no strangers to the party scene. They know what’s up. Words: Heather Hendricks When in Rome: do as the Romans do. When in Aspen: Party like a pro. Its pretty simple people. Its that glorious time of year again. The special time when snowboarding gets thrust onto the main stage for all to see. ESPN spends a bazillion dollars creating the Xtremist snowboard event of all time and each year succeed. This year due to crazy scheduling conflicts with SIA coinciding with X, we’ve decided to let ESPN take care of providing the daily action coverage from the games.ESPN has neon lights, cable cams, gnarled camera men, and hard-ass security guards that make it difficult to get the shot at their games. So thanks ESPN for documenting the daytime events, because we’re here to party. So what goes down once the lights go off in this little town called Asspen? Debauchery, and Ridiculousness for sure. When in Aspen Right? To kick things off in style Oakley and Red Bull teamed up to throw down a banger of a party on Wednesday night. Industry’s finest showed up to get down and these are just a few of the faces that showed up-

This heavy crew of Spencer O’brien, Jamie Anderson, Dustin Craven, Hana Beaman, Heikka Sorsa, & Leanne Pelosi showed up and partied down Photobucket These guys were getting it during an impromptu jam Session Photobucket Tim Humphreys gets his sushi and PBR on Photobucket This kids style was on lock. Photobucket Heikki Sorsa dodges a makeout session from Oakley’s “New Guy” Joe Prebich Photobucket Whats a party without the Red Bull Girls? Russ Hennings Photo Photobucket The party scene Russ Hennings Photo After slamming sushi and endless drinks, the party peeps at the Oakley house headed over to the Target Chalet to round out the night. Target is a little finicky about taking photos in the house so we don’t have much to show from there- but let’s just say tequila was involved. The next notable party that went down was on Friday as Snoop Dogg and DJ Z-Trip set it off at Belly Up. The sold out, invite only show was a one for the books, as Snoop and Z- blew the joint up. Photobucket Snoop Dogg’s Mic- he’s a playa fo frill, @larrynunez Photo Photobucket Snooop Doggie Dawgie Dogg-ogg-og. Targe chalet also went off this night- And it was a pretty standard display of debach. Good time for sure. Two more nights of Party-time are about to go off here in Aspen for check back for all the dirty d’s that take place at the infamous MONSTER party, and LOUIE VITO’s Too Short, and Trouble Andrew party. Thank God for Red Bull and Emergen-C, 🙂