Really Gotta Wanna is premiering tomorrow night, October 2, 2014 at the Mayan Theater in Denver, Colorado. It has been the fixation of Seth Hill over the past year between producing the actual film and countless hours in the edit bay over the summer. There is something to be said about his commitment: Everything he does is at 110%, whether it be making a movie, skateboarding or strapping in at the top of a jump line. Seth Hill is a snowboarder, through and through and Really Gotta Wanna is going to give you the inside look into the life of the professional snowboarder.

Get your tickets here.

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What is the inspiration behind ReallyGottaWanna?
Really Gotta Wanna was inspired from the concept of working hard to reap the benefits. For me at least, I’ve never been the best snowboarder or top of the industry. I’ve gotten as far as I have through this mentality of working hard. I’ve always been willing to go the extra mile, get there an hour early and stay an hour later. This inspiration shows through in many of my friends, and most all established riders. Because nothing is laid out for you when it comes to making something out of snowboarding. You have to be willing to push yourself, face the risks, and keep at it if you want to stay a name in the snowboard game.

Are there any segments in the film that are particularly heavy?
You’ll just have to decide that for yourself. To me, all the sections are heavy and have their own element of excitement. For instance in the “Gotta Feel It” segment we go to Alaska and get up in the heli, yet in the “Gotta be Creative” section, Scotty Stevens breaks down what it takes to do what he so impressively does. So yeah all the segments have something to mix it up and bring on some entertainment.

You have a pretty recognized ensemble of riders here, what was it like filming with everyone?
Let me first say all these riders generously shared their time, energy and passion with me. I never could have dreamt of this cast of amazing snowboarders in my first project. I literally just opened my winter up to grasp hold of any opportunity, and found so many of my snowboarder friends were fully down to work with me and take time out of their busy schedule. With that said I definitely don’t take for granted how many truly talented people I was surrounded by and did my best to learn from each one and experience.

Your back injury was a pretty big shock to us, how is recovery going?
You’re telling me haha, recovery has actually been way better than I could have ever hoped for. I’ve even been cleared to get back on my board already. With that said, I have to say this injury has been a huge blessing in disguise. I had some big “summer” plans in the works; including travel to Whistler, Chile, and Australia. Not to say that these trips wouldn’t have been amazing. But due to being injured I was forced to put them aside and work on the movie. I made a point of dedicating what I did, lets just say when Im able to I have been spending every waking moment working on the project. I feel It really shows, and am seriously proud of what has come of just a mid winter side project.

What are your plans going into this winter?
If things go as planned, I’d really like to make another movie, It’s honestly a great way for me to still snowboard and put in work doing so. While being able to step back and let the masters send the gnarly stuff as I think it may take a bit to get after it after the broken back. I think no matter what I will be filming and working on some new snowboard related projects I have in the works. Including a webisode series as well as a board “sport” related travel website. Stay tuned for “GOTTA BOARD”