Finally, summer is here! Enjoy some epic shred videos to get you through to next season as well as our weekly collection of funny videos we find ourselves watching time and time again.
Have some videos that you think are worthy of an appearance in Video Bomb? We want to see what you've got! Send your ideas to [email protected], or hit up @Snowboardmag on Twitter with the hashtag #VideoBomb.
Livin Louie Vito episode 12: US Grand Prix at Mammoth
Every Third Thursday: Build Your Own (Snow)Board
Full Part: Terje Haakonsen in Burton's "Standing Sideways"
Grilosode episode 8 – Spring time shredding!
So-Gnar: Summer shredding at Woodward Copper part 1
Fridays at Fonna episode 3
2012 Frendly Gathering recap video
YESnowboards: Oldschool squamish fun with guns!
Hilarious shake weight prank
The coolest backyard waterslide setup ever
Amazing downhill backflip skills
We want one of these for the office
Fat cat on an underwater treadmill – Why not?
Still trying to pass more time 'till 5pm? Check out last week's Video Bomb right here.