Okay so hear me out for a minute! We as a new snowboard company very much appreciate your interest in our brand and the love of snow. We realize all too much that your interest in snowboarding may be focused entirely on becoming a professional or sponsored snowboarder. One of the many things that makes The Lucid Notion Snowboard Company fun is that we love interacting with all snowboarders from around the world, and will always take the time to personally respond to your email and phone messages. But if all you want is to find out if you can get “sponsored” We encourage you to read the following first: Mollys answers to all things sponsorship related Now not to discourage you, The Lucid Notion Snowboard Company accepts all forms of sponsorship request submissions. But for the love of what ever it is that you find sacred. please do not send an email to us asking us to sponsor you. Submit your footage and or photos to us professionally. Our address you can find below and there will never be a situation where we open our mailbox and toss your hard work out with the trash the company cat created last night after eating too much soft food… (which by the way “Bob the Cat” cant handle the soft food. so you know what kind of a mess we are cleaning up.) That being said>>> Please believe in yourself and snowboarding in general. If you have something to prove DO NOT HESITATE TO SEND IT! Not everyone can have a free board. Not everyone can be sponsored. But if everyone has a digital camera and or a digital video camera with some final cut skills, everyone can submit footage to The Lucid Notion Snowboard Company.

Below you will see the ways you can submit your footage: Physical Address: (must send DVD.. no video tapes accepted) The Lucid Notion Snowboard Company C/O Brett Anscomb 1200 Galapago St. Unit #222 Denver, CO 80204 Email Submissions will be accepted in photo essay or video format at: Click Here To Send Mail To Lucid Notion Snowboards We really do thank you for your interest in our amazingly small snowboard company. It is because of you the end rider that small companies are allowed to exist. Check us out at: The Lucid Notion Snowboard Co. Website or: The Lucid Notion Snowboard Co. MySpace Page