The internet was taken by storm in 2015 when filmers Jon Stark, Matt Roberge, and Eli Olson joined forces to create Rendered Useless. Packed with an eclectic cast of riders, spanning from the well established, to the up-and-coming, the film delivers a refreshingly original display of snowboarding.
New England had been getting hammered with unprecedented levels of snow, and the largely East Coast crew, including Mike Rav, Ian Boll, Mary Rand, Parker Szumowski, Cole Navin and friends took full advantage of it in the streets. However, Rendered Useless is not just an east-coast flick, and features Midwest stand outs, Jake Olson-Elm, Ethan Deiss, and Dan “Vinny” Vinzant as well as PNW regulars, Johnny Brady, Jordan Morse, and Jesse Gouveia. It solidified the Rendered Useless crew as one of the heaviest all season.
Watch also: Mike Rav in Ravolution as Televised
Now a year later, Rendered Useless is back to stir the web, after being released for free online viewing. So settle in and get excited for winter, the lifts will be turning before too long. For those who still appreciate the hard copy, you can grab yours here.
Featuring: Mike Ravelson, Ian Boll, Mary Rand, Jake Olson-Elm, Ethan Deiss, Cole Navin, Bar Dadon, Andrew Aldridge, Jacob Krugmire, Jayell White, Jesse Gouveia, Johnny Brady, Jordan Morse, Miles Fallon, Nick Doucette, Parker Szumowski, Zander Blackmon
Video and Editing: Jon Stark, Matt Roberge, Eli Olson
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